Getting Fit Is Hard, But It’s A LOT Harder With ADHD.


ADHD FIT is for folks who have been wanting to get fit for years but struggling to make real, tangible progress while following mainstream fitness advice.

Learn from my firsthand, unmedicated, 3-year journey from medically obese to fit AND how I was able to rapidly improve my results after starting medication.

NEW YEAR DISCOUNT: Get 50% off ADHD FIT or access it FREE when you join the ADHD FITNESS community!

“Jacob is a passionate, warm, understanding, and patient teacher who likes to give you positive praise and affirmation. He genuinely wants you to succeed. Thank you Jacob!”

– Marten Majchrowski

“”It works! I didn’t even realize my ADHD was affecting my weight loss woes until I found ADHD Fitness. Thank you, Jacob!”

– Sunny Rodgers

“You breaking down the process of continuously engaging with each question to dig deeper is so helpful.”

– Moses Aremu


Limitless Cravings

Neurotypical people have clear hunger signals and are satisfied after eating normal portions of food. They don’t understand what it’s like to have their stomach hurting from 6 slices of pizza and STILL obsessively crave the next slice. Stuff like clean eating and intuitive eating DOES NOT WORK for ADHD folks!

Exercise Motivation

Neurotypical people have the ability to start and continue manageable tasks. They don’t understand what it’s like to struggle with task initiation or be so unstimulated by non-preferred activities that their head physically hurts. Advice like “just do it”, “dig deep”, or “just stick with it” DOES NOT WORK for ADHD folks!

Routine Disruption

Neurotypical people can handle semi-frequent changes to their plans, routines, and goals. They don’t understand what it’s like to have small disruptions turn into massive SPIRALS that undo WEEKS of hard work and consistency. Advice like “don’t worry about it” and “just stick with it” DOES NOT WORK!

Introducing ADHD FIT

The only low-cost fitness training designed specifically for people with ADHD (medicated AND unmedicated) and based on firsthand experience! You’ll learn:

How to FINALLY Master Food

Learn why every mainstream approach to food has failed you, and the ADHD-friendly approach to food that changed my life overnight.

How to Exercise with ADHD

Learn why the fitness industry’s business model has turned exercise into a completely unnecessary roadblock for ADHD brains.

How to Manage "The Spiral"

Learn how popular fitness advice literally cancels out your progress, and the unintuitive solution to manage routine disruption.

NEW YEAR DISCOUNT: Get the ADHD FIT Training for just $49 (normally $99) or access it FREE when you join the ADHD FITNESS community!

ADHD FIT: Course Curriculum

Session 1: Medication & Fitness

⊗  How medication SHOULD be helping your fitness journey.

⊗  How to find a psychiatrist who will take your needs seriously.

⊗  How I was able to lose 65lbs without medication.

Session 2: How To Master Food & Cravings

⊗  Why EVERY mainstream approach to food has failed you.

⊗  The ADHD-friendly approach to food that changed my life.

⊗  How I set myself up for success by being brutally realistic.

Session 3: How To Exercise With ADHD

⊗  Why your exercise routine is WAY LESS IMPORTANT than you believe.

⊗  The ONLY two exercise components that matter to achieve your goals.

⊗  How I solved my task initiation problem with one simple question.

Session 4: How To Manage “The Spiral”

⊗  How popular fitness advice literally CANCELS OUT your hard work!

⊗  The completely unintuitive solution to managing routine disruption.

⊗  How fixing my approach to spiraling FINALLY unblocked my progress.

Session 5: The Community Cheatcode

⊗  Why pursuing your goals with friends can be as impactful as medication.

⊗  How I built local IRL community starting from scratch as an isolated adult.

⊗  How I still managed to lose 65lbs completely by myself (it was rough).


Practical Advice ONLY

At NO point in this training will I tell you anything that requires you to suddenly have more motivation, willpower, or emotional regulation in order to benefit from it. Every session is brutally practical.

I'm Not A Fitness Influencer

I don’t post fitness content, make a living from fitness, or have an Instagram physique. I’m a single dad with a fulltime job who really struggled to get fit thanks to ADHD, and I want to help people like me.

Your Purchase Drives The Mission

Every dollar you spend on this minimally-priced training goes back into promoting this project and getting these life-changing tools into more people’s hands. The bigger we grow, the more lives we’ll change.

My Fitness Journey

Hi, my name is Jacob McMillen, and between the ages of 24 and 27, I gained 55lbs and reached a medically obese BMI.

There were a lot of reasons for this: getting into a longterm relationship, moving, starting a new career, getting sick frequently, etc.

But what I didn’t realize at the time was that I had undiagnosed ADHD, which resulted in a “not normal” relationship with food.

Not only was my brain lacking the typical “stop eating, you’re full” signals, but there was no limit to my cravings for the types of comfort foods that gave me a burst of “feel good” dopamine.

I could eat 6 slices of pizza and be so full, I was physically in pain… while still craving that next slice.

Up to the age of 24, this didn’t catch up with me, because I was young, had a young person’s metabolism, and was doing a lot of physical activity in my day-to-day life. But when I moved to the Pacific Northwest, things changed.

A new climate and career resulted in a more sedentary lifestyle, and over the course of three years, I gained 55lbs, going from 195 all the way up to 250.

Here’s what I looked liked at 24.

And here’s what I looked like at 27. This is what 55lbs of weight gain looks like on a 6’4″ frame.

Now, I want to mention right here that I’m not showing you these pictures to shame myself or anyone else for gaining weight, whether it’s less than me or more than me.

I’m showing you these pictures to give you proof that I’m not just making this up.

I was so unhappy with how I FELT and looked at this weight, that I became hyper-fixated on changing it.

After moving back to a dryer climate and feeling like I could move around again, I started my journey to get in shape.

And I immediately encountered some problems.

Problem #1: I was completely incapable of “eating clean”.

I tried.

I really did.

I ate the chicken and the rice and the broccoli. I drank lots of water.

Sometimes I’d make it a few days.

But then the late-night cravings would overwhelm me, and I’d binge on comfort foods.

And I’d be SO disappointed in myself.

Why was my willpower so weak? Why couldn’t I do it when so many other people could?

I knew that failing to follow-through on diet was a common problem for people pursuing their fitness goals, but I’d been successful at going “all in” (another ADHD feature) in other areas of my life, so I didn’t understand why this one was different.

No matter how many times I tried, I couldn’t get results through willpower or mental tricks.

I needed a practical solution to my cravings.

Problem #2: I struggled with consistent motivation to workout.

I’d always been a physically active person, so unlike some of the ADHD folks I’ve helped, I already had some activities I enjoyed doing.

The problem was consistency.

Remember that “all in” thing I meantioned a second ago?

The only way I knew how to motivate myself was with a black and white, “all or nothing” mentality.

Either I was doing the PERFECT workouts on a PERFECT schedule… or I was going weeks between exercise.

And as you might imagine, life wasn’t nearly as simple or black and white at age 27 as it was at age 24.

I had a fulltime career taking up my time.

I had a longterm relationship to invest in.

And at age 27, I welcomed the birth of my first child… which certainly didn’t help with my workout consistency.

And don’t even get me started on the THOUSANDS of fitness influencers constantly showing me new workouts and telling me that THEIR EXERCISE plan was the secret to getting results.

I made the mistake of trying a few of them.

But no matter what I tried, I couldn’t get results through new exercises, willpower, or mental tricks.

I needed a practical solution for working out consistently.

Problem #3: Every setback turned into a spiral.

One of the big challenges of getting fit with ADHD is that there is very little instant gratification.

Most people need between 1-2 weeks to a lose a pound of bodyfat the right way, and you need to lose about 5 pounds before you start to notice a visual difference.

It’s a slow game of being consistent over time, and when neurotypical people experience disruptions to their routines or schedule, they can typically do a good job of just accepting that they’ll miss a day or two of progress.

After all, what’s one or two days out of sixty?

But that’s now how it worked for my ADHD brain.

I was heavily dependent on being PERFECT with my workouts and eating in order to stay motivated with my exercise and deal with the cravings we talked about earlier.

For a long time, the only way I could get through the tough moments was by gamifying my consistency and trying to get to the end of the week with a perfect score.

The moment I made one mistake, my motivation was gone.

And once I gave-in to the cravings, it wasn’t a matter of losing a day or two of progress.

I could easily eat enough calories in one evening to undo an ENTIRE WEEK of progress. If that evening spiraled into a week, I just undid an ENTIRE MONTH.

And there were so many things that could trigger a routine disruption:

  • A last-minute “emergency” at work
  • A simple cold picked up from having kids in school
  • A flat tire or unexpected home maintenance need
  • An annoying gopher that kept coming back to make holes in my yard

I spent the entire first two years of my journey constantly taking two steps forward and one step back.

And no matter how many times I told myself, “This time will be different,” I couldn’t prevent spiraling with willpower or mental tricks.

I needed a practical solution for handling these spirals.

Finding The Solutions

I’ve never been one to just idle in my challenges. I think that’s been the most positive side of my ADHD: that the moment I recognize a problem, I begin looking for a solution.

Unfortunately, these solutions were NOT easy to find.

Fortunately, I eventually found them.

It started with finding an approach to eating that ACTUALLY WORKED for my ADHD brain.

This approach allowed me to include reasonable amounts of comfort food in my diet that helped keep the worst of the cravings at bay while allowing me to still make consistent progress.

Next, I dug deep into exercise and the scientific literature behind fat loss and muscle building, and I realized that it was WAY SIMPLER than what I’d been trying to do.

I stopped trying to jog or do cardio AT ALL, I stopped trying new exercises all the time, and I focused on answering two key questions that allowed me to get everything I needed from exercise to reach my goals.

Next, after a TON of trial and error, I found a hyper-practical approach to managing the spirals from routine disruptions. It wasn’t until I gave up on trying to have more willpower, more motivation, and more control that I was able to find this approach, and I’m really excited to share it with you.

Finding these solutions allowed me to lose 65lbs, getting down to 190, 5lbs below my starting weight.

Here’s the before-and-after picture I shared on my small, friends-and-family Instagram account at 30 years old.

I remember how happy I was seeing myself in this photo. I’d come such a long way.

This type of result is what most of the ADHD folks I know have been trying to reach and struggling with, and I’ve really enjoyed helping a few of them finally start to see progress in their own fitness journeys.

Helping them is what inspired me to launch ADHD FIT.

In hindsight, if I’d known everything I know now, I would have been able to get this result in about a year (I was undiagnosed and unmedicated through this entire journey). Instead, it took me three years, but at the end of the day, I never permanently gave up.

I absolutely gave up temporarily a few times: sometimes for a weekend, sometimes for a week… once for an entire month.

But then I kept going.

Getting fit is hard for anyone, but it’s a LOT harder when you have ADHD.

If you are willing to keep trying, I want to help you level the playing field and start pursuing your fitness goals on Normal Difficulty. 

I want to help you address the challenges of ADHD head-on in ways you’ve never seen talked about from fitness influencers, even the really good ones who give great advice but don’t know what it’s like to be neurodivergent.

If you’d like to join me, click below and sign up for ADHD FIT.

If you’ve been trying to make progress for years and struggling with mainstream fitness advice, this is what you’ve been waiting for.

I’m really looking forward to meeting you and partnering with you on your journey.

The ADHD FITNESS Community

Get weekly coaching, 24/7 messaging, and quarterly challenges where we focus on accelerating everyone’s results in a positive way.

Everything is easier with community, and while nothing can beat local, in-person community, the reality is that many neurodivergent folks struggle to make those in-person connections.

And even if you have managed to build a great community, that doesn’t mean that anyone in that community is pursuing the same goals or struggling with the same challenges.

The ADHD FITNESS community is designed to fill that gap and help you get the support you need on the lifelong journey that is fitness.

Here’s a few of the ways we help you grow and succeed.

Weekly Group Coaching Calls

Every Wednesday, I host a one-hour live coaching call.

The first 5 weeks at launch will be dedicated to going through each session of the training and answering every question you have on both the training material, my personal experience, and any unique challenges you are struggling with.

ADHD is a spectrum, and while I know from experience that much of what I learned is helpful across the specturm, you WILL have your own unique circumstances and struggles, and this call will give you access to not just me, but everyone else in the community who is eager to help you!

24/7 Messaging and Access

Our community platform lets you reach out to the community or myself with questions 24/7.

As I’ve mentioned before, this is not my job and I’m a single dad of two kids, so I can’t promise that I’ll be able to answer every question immediately, but you are welcome to DM me at ANY time, and I check the group regularly each day via the platform’s (Skool) excellent mobile app.

You are also able (and encouraged) to post questions directly to the community, where you can get insights and suggestions from other folks who are on this journey with you and will likely have something to offer that is unique to their own journey and success story!

Quarterly Challenges

Every 3 months, we’ll do a group-wide challenge focused on accelerating everyone’s results.

Part of getting results as a person with ADHD is gamifying the process, and few things facilitate gamification like a community challenge focused on a hyper-specifc, short term goal.

Challenges range from 7-28 days, can be competive or solo, and we have the following ideas lined up for this year:

  1. Attempting a new skill and reaching a beginner-level mastery goal in 28 days.
  2. Trying out a new team-based physical activity for 4 sessions in 21 days.
  3. Breaking your personal exercise consistency record over 21 days.
  4. Seeing who can hit their food goals for the most consecutive days in a row.

I’ve experimented quite a bit with these and found that a quarterly timeline is perfect for regaining momentum just as most people are beginning to stall out in their progress.

We’ll be deciding on these as a community and evolving them in the direction that works for the most people!

Membership costs $49/month, and for a limited time, includes FREE access to the complete, 5-part ADHD FIT training! Don’t put your fitness goals off another month. Join us today, and let’s make this the year you achieve your fitness goals!

Bonus Training: ADHD PHYSIQUE
“I Want To Look Like I Workout”
(Normally $49)

If you’ve been putting a ton of work into your fitness but still feel like you have a very mediocre physique, this bonus is for you.

Even after I’d completed my initial fat-loss journey, I wasn’t quite where I wanted to be.

I had lost a lot of muscle mass over the previous three years, and I wanted to build it back, plus some, and get to a point where I had an impressive physique.

But when I tried to put muscle back on, I’d end up gaining too much fat.

I found myself in this constant state of uncertainty about whether I should continue trying to build muscle or go back to losing fat, and it resulted in me constantly being disappointed in my physique.

After years of effort, I didn’t feel like I looked like someone who worked out, and ultimately, I just wanted my physique to match the amount of effort I was putting in.

Fortunately, I was able to find solutions for this too:

  • I figured out why I wasn’t getting the results I’d hoped for and what to do about it.
  • I figured out how to adjust my workouts to build muscle without taxing my nervous system so heavily.
  • I figured out how to apply my fat loss principles to stop overeating during muscle building.
  • And I figured out how to use mini-cuts (one month focused on fat loss) to quickly undo short term fat gain when I fell off the wagon or just wanted to let loose for a bit.

And then something amazing happened.

I began making faster, sustained progress with the EXACT SAME LEVEL OF EFFORT I’d been making before.

And after 6 months of eating a lot of amazing food, having a ton of fun, and just generally living life instead of becoming a fitness zealot, I  arrived at a physique that I was really happy with.

I certainly don’t have an impressive physique — there are thousands of folks on Instagram who make me look like the part time fitness hobbyist that I am — but for the first time in my life, I really enjoy what I see when I look in the mirror.

And if you are someone who has been working at this for awhile but are frustrated with your results if you feel like your physique doesn’t match the level of effort you’re putting in this bonus training (normally $49) is going to help you put those missing pieces together and finally get the physique you’ve always wanted.

Who Is ADHD FIT For?

✔   You have a fitness goal in mind that YOU want to pursue to look and feel better based on what makes YOU happy.

✔  You have been struggling with challenges unique to ADHD, particularly things like exercise motivation, routine disruption spirals, food cravings, and finding a healthy, sustainable approach to eating that leads you toward your desired results.

✔  You are open-minded to brutally practical advice and looking for real, tangible solutions that don’t depend on you suddenly having more motivation or willpower.

Who Is This Training NOT For?

𐄂  You are only interested in fitness, because other people are pressuring you to change yourself. If you’re already happy with how you feel and look, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!

𐄂  You are looking for shortcuts or hacks that will make fitness easy. Unfortunately, Easy Mode doesn’t exist in fitness, but if you have ADHD, you are playing on Advanced Difficulty, and I’m going to help you bring that down to Normal Mode.

𐄂  You aren’t interested in changing anything about you approach to fitness. Nothing I tell or show you is going to help if you aren’t wanting to make changes.

Get 50% off ADHD FIT (normally $99) or access it FREE with your community membership!

Get 50% off ADHD FIT

Get my 5-part training tackling the unique fitness challenges of ADHD for $99 just $49!

5 video trainings

20 supplemental resources

Lifetime Access

100% Money-Back Guarantee

Join The Community

Access my 5-part training at no cost when you join the ADHD FITNESS community ($29/m)!

5 video trainings

20 supplemental resources

Weekly live coaching and Q&A

Cancel any time with 2 clicks


How is this program different from ALL the other fitness programs sending me ads?

99% of online fitness programs fall into two categories:

  1. General fitness knowledge designed to help the average person.
  2. Niche programs built around a fitness influencer’s content gimmick.

There’s nothing inherently wrong with either of these types of programs. There’s no downside to developing your general fitness knowledge, and if you enjoy a particular fitness influencer’s exercise gimmick, that can certainly help!

But none of these programs are designed for people with ADHD, and worse, a lot of mainstream fitness advice is actively counterproductive for ADHD folks.

ADHD FIT is SPECIFICALLY focused on solving the UNIQUE fitness challenges faced by people with ADHD. 

If you have ADHD and you’ve felt like mainstream fitness advice has NOT worked for you, this course is for you!

How long will it take to see results?

The answer you’re looking for from this question probably has to do with visual results: “When will I look in the mirror and see changes?”

Rather than tell you “it depends”, I’m going to tell you that it will probably take about 30 days to feel like you are seeing something different in the mirror.

This is true for ANY program, whether or not the instructor is being honest with you.

For ADHD folks, however, there is another component to this. When a concept “clicks” and you feel like you very clearly understand your path to success, that can have a massive, immediate impact on your motivation.

You do not need to have an “it just clicked” moment to benefit from this course. None of the training requires you to have more motivation, focus, or regulation than you do now.

But if you do, I think that will 100% feel like “results”, and it can happen from Day #1.

Why should I learn from you instead of a fulltime fitness professional?

This is NOT an either/or situation. You can do both!

There are thousands of fantastic fitness professionals sharing tons of information freely online, and while I wouldn’t recommend overconsuming information as a person with ADHD, you should absolutely choose one or two professionals you really vibe with and learn as much from them as you can.

You can even take their programs if you want to you! I don’t discourage that.

But here’s the problem.

  1. These professionals do fitness FULLTIME. You don’t.
  2. These professionals are often neurotypical. You aren’t.
  3. These professionals are often using performance enhancing drugs. You aren’t.
  4. These professionals are often young folks with no kids. That may not be you.

If you are getting everything you need from these folks and succeeding, amazing! You probably don’t need anything from me!

But IF after learning from these folks, you are STILL struggling to reach your goals and wondering why those professionals’ advice, programs, and plans are NOT working for YOU, then what I’m suggesting here is that you probably need SPECIFIC help in addressing the UNIQUE challenges of ADHD.

You MIGHT need to learn from someone:

  1. Who also has a fulltime career.
  2. Who also has ADHD and even managed to do this without medication.
  3. Who isn’t pumping steroids to sell you supplements.
  4. Who is 34 years old with the responsibilities of being a single dad to two young kids (one of whom is autistic).

My life probably looks a lot closer to yours than the fitness influencers you see on Instagram, and if you like the results I’ve showed you, I think you’ll love the program.

Will I Need To Do [Specific Action] Or Buy [Specific Equipment]?

My first and least important answer is, “Probably not”.

My second and more important answer is, “Are you willing to be brutally practical in reaching your goals?”

The information a neurotypical person needs to reach their goals can be LITERALLY summed up in the following bullet points:

  1. Do resistance training 3+ times per week and increase the resistance over time.
  2. Eat 20% less calories than you burn until you are at your desired level of body fat.
  3. Eat 10% more calories than you burn until you are at your desired level of muscle.

That’s it.

That is literally the ONLY information needed to get results.

So how does the fitness industry make BILLIONS per year helping people do those three simple things?

Because even for neurotypical people, doing these three things CONSISTENTLY is hard.

Most people need some small slice of all the gadgets and the supplements and the special meals to help them stay motivated over time.

For ADHD folks, it’s even MORE difficult.

So theoretically, you don’t NEED to take any specific action or buy anything you don’t have already to reach your goals, but mentally, you might.

And what I’m asking you to do if you sign up for ADHD FIT is to come into the program looking to FIND practical solutions rather than looking to AVOID specific actions that you have predetermined won’t work for you.

100% Money-Back Guarantee

ADHD FIT has a 7-Day Satisfaction Guarantee. If you are not completely SATISFIED and ENLIGHTENED by the training, then contact us within 7 days for a full refund, no questions asked!

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This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.

DISCLAIMER: The results stated on this landing page and discussed in the ADHD FIT program are our personal results and in some cases the results of previous or existing clients. Please understand these results are not typical. We’re not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who buys “how to” information does not take action on that information and gets little to no results. We’re using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All difficult outcomes entail risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please do not purchase THE ADHD FIT program.